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Campus Celebrates Native & Indigenous Student Resource Hub Grand Opening
Last week, the campus community celebrated the grand opening of the Native and Indigenous Student Resource Hub, a space that Assistant Professor of Native American History Maria John hopes will provide a natural home, meeting place, and dedicated space for students to socialize, collaborate, and access resources through community events, staffing support, and more.

“I don’t think we can underestimate the power of having a place that is just for the students,” John said. “This brings visibility, community, the opportunity to build, a sense of belonging, and so much more.”
At the grand opening, students gathered in the hub to make art, enjoy snacks, and learn more about opportunities to get involved with the Native and Indigenous student community on campus. Institute for New England Native American Studies (INENAS) Program Advisor Jamie Morrison said it’s also a much-needed space for students to study, relax, and hold events.
“The program is really taking off this year, and we’re excited to hold that space and have the students really make it on their own,” Morrison said.
John said it’s been challenging for Native and Indigenous students to find one another on campus without a dedicated space to do the work of community building. The hub, sponsored by INENAS and the Native American & Indigenous studies minor, is located on the third floor of the Campus Center.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Karen Ferrer-Muñiz said the hub continues an important collaboration of students, faculty, and staff to “further uplift an ecology of acknowledgement of Native communities as the traditional land caretakers of Massachusetts.
“It also provides a space for our community to centrally offer tailored support, community, and cultural celebration for the native community and their allies that focuses on holistic student success through belonging,” she said. “I look forward to seeing how this hub grows and hopefully flourishes in the coming years.”