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Tobacco-Free Campus

Over the past several years various groups within the University of Massachusetts Boston community have discussed and advocated for the university to revise its policy on tobacco use on campus. After reviewing documentation from the Workplace Health and Safety Joint Labor Management Committee, the Faculty Council, and the Undergraduate Student Government, the university’s Tobacco Policy Committee has recommended that the campus go smoke-free, tobacco-free, and electronic cigarette-free.
The new policy went into effect on January 19, 2016, and applies to everyone and anyone on campus, including students, staff, faculty, contractors, and visitors. It prohibits the use of any tobacco or nicotine products everywhere on campus—in all buildings and outdoor areas controlled by the university, including parking lots.
There is considerable evidence that concentrations of smoke are harmful to nonsmokers, as well as smokers. Findings of the Surgeon General indicate that tobacco use in any form, active and passive, is a significant health hazard. UMass Boston has a responsibility to its faculty, staff, students, and visitors to provide a safe and healthy environment for all.
With this action, UMass Boston will join the other four campuses of the UMass System, which have implemented a tobacco-free campus policy.
To speak to someone about tobacco cessation, call the University Health Services Health Education and Wellness Program at 617.287.5680.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does this policy include university parking lots?
Yes. This policy pertains to all university owned or operated parking lots including the entire Bayside parking lot.
Does the policy include the areas surrounding the university such as the Massachusetts Archives, JFK Library, and EMK Institute?
No, because each of our neighboring institutions have their own policies. All faculty, staff, students, and visitors are encouraged to be good neighbors and follow their policies.
Does the Tobacco-Free Campus policy apply at university sanctioned events or sporting activities occurring on off-campus property?
No. Events or activities scheduled elsewhere are bound by the policies or rules of the event coordinator or property manager.
Are there any designated smoking or tobacco use areas?
No. Designated smoking or tobacco use locations will not available.
Will the use of e-cigarettes be permitted?
No. The FDA does not consider e-cigarettes to be a safe nicotine delivery system or smoking cessation strategy, and their use is prohibited on university property for purposes of this policy.
What other products are prohibited?
It is the spirit and intent that the campus be smoke-free as well as tobacco/nicotine-free to preserve and improve the health, comfort, and environment at the university. Therefore, such products as clove cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, and pipes will be prohibited.