Alexander Desforges
Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department
Department Chairman
McCormack Hall Floor 04
Area of Expertise
Chinese language and literature, comparative literature, film, and culture
PhD Princeton University
Professional Publications & Contributions
- “Inward Turns, Then and Now.” Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture 9.1 (2022): 256-272.
- “Outside the Frame of World Literature? The Early Modern Examination Essay.” Situations 15.1 (2022): 5-26.
- “Who am ‘I’ in the Ming and Qing? First-person Dynamics in Modern Prose (shiwen) Examination Essays and Classical Prose (guwen) Prefaces.” East Asian Journal of Sinology 15 (2021): 9-73.
- Testing the Literary: Prose and the Aesthetic in Early Modern China. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, 2021.
- “Industry and its Motivations: Reading Tang Xianzu’s Examination Essay on the Problem of Excess Cloth.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 80.1 (2020): 85-122.
- “Hegel’s Portfolio: Real Estate and Consciousness in Contemporary Shanghai.” Chapter in Ghost Protocol: Development and Displacement in Global China, edited by Carlos Rojas and Ralph Litzinger. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016: 62-86.
- “科舉文學與主體性的製造:八股文裡瞥見的吾和自己” [Examination Literature and the Manufacture of Subjectivity: Glimpses of “I” and “Myself” in Eight-Legged Essays]. Jiaoyu yu kaoshi 2016.2: 44-47, 96.
- “數字人文與科舉文學間的今古奇觀” [Digital Humanities and Civil Service Examination Literature: Wonders New and Old]. Zhongguo xueshu 35 (2015): 385-397.
- "Sleights of Capital: Fantasies of Commensurability, Transparency, and a 'Cultural Bourgeoisie.'" differences 24:3 (2014): 101-126.
- “Xinhai zhiji wenlun de chengqian qihou” [Early Twentieth-Century Literary Theory in Historical Context]. Chapter in Shuqing chuantong yu weixin shidai, edited by Wu Shengqing and Ko Chia Cian. Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chuban she, 2012.
- Mediasphere Shanghai: The Aesthetics of Cultural Production. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2007.
- "Burning with Reverence: The Economics and Aesthetics of Words in Qing (1644-1911) China." PMLA 121.1 (2006): 139-155.
- “The Rhetoric of Modernity and the Logics of the Fetish.” Chapter in Contested Modernities in Chinese Literature, edited by Charles Laughlin. New York: Palgrave, 2005: 17-31.
- “Building Shanghai, One Page At A Time: The Aesthetics of Installment Fiction at the Turn of the Century.” Journal of Asian Studies 62:3 (2003): 781-810.
- “Opium / Leisure / Shanghai: Urban Economies of Consumption.” Chapter in Opium Regimes: China, Britain, and Japan, 1839-1952, edited by Timothy Brook and Bob Wakabayashi. University of California Press, 2000: 167-185.
Additional Information
Alex Des Forges has been teaching at UMass Boston since 2001.