Elizabeth Clemens
Area of Expertise
Best practices with consumers at risk in human services, Case management
DSW, University of Pennsylvania
Additional Information
Beth Clemens has been teaching undergraduate courses in human services and gerontology at UMass Boston since 1998. Her teaching focuses on value conflicts and ethical dilemmas that arise in public and community services. Her courses address ethical principles, issues in aging, equality, professionalism, justice, rights, responsibilities and relationships in service organizations and in society. She incorporates service learning into her instructional activities by collaborating with health and social services agencies for elders; a homeless shelter for battered women and children in Dorchester, the Massachusetts Department of Transitional Assistance, and the Massachusetts Department of Social Services among others. She has received grants from the Medical Foundation, Farnsworth Trust on applied ethics in health care for the elderly. She is author or co-author of several journal articles published in peer reviewed journals addressing ethical issues in discharge planning and case management for the elderly.