Edw. S. Ginsberg
Areas of Expertise
Current: Physics education research, free availability for intro students to problem solutions; teaching materials for intro physics & astronomy courses; authorship of solution manuals, end-of -chapter questions & textbook chapters., Former: Theoretical elementary particle physics; radiative corrections to weak interaction & electron scattering.
PhD, Stanford University
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Consequences of a Weak Vector Boston for the Decay K → µ + + , with R.H.Pratt, Phys. Rev. 130, 2105-2109 (1963).
- Nuclear Size and Magnetic Effects in the Radiative Tail of Electron-Nucleus Scattering, with R.H. Pratt, Phys. Rev. 134, B773-B778 (1964).
- Radiative Corrections to Kµ3 Decays, Phys. Rev. D 1, 229-239 (1970).
- The Dilogarithm Function of a Real Argument, with D. Zaborowski, Communications of the ACM, 18, 200-202 (1975).
- Zonal and Meridional Circulation of the Lower Atmosphere of Venus Determined by Radio Interferometry, with C.C. Counselman, III, S.A. Gourevitch, R.W. King, and G.B. Loriot. Journal of Geophysical Research, 85, pp.8026-8030 (1980).
- Solutions to Problems from Physics, Vol. 1, 365 pp., Vol. 2, 307 pp., Extended Version, Vol.3, 115 pp., (Scott, Foresman and Company 1988, 1989 & 1990)
- “Student Use of a Solution Manual: Beneficial or Detrimental?”, with Regina Panasuk, Electronic Journal of Science Education, Vol. 10, No. 4 (Online) June 2006.
- Edw. S. Ginsberg, Instructor Solution Manual for The Cosmos – Astronomy in the New Millennium, 4th & 5th Editions, [by Jay M. Pasachoff & Alex Filippenko], (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014 & 2019).
- Author of two chapters (Ch. 7: Work & Kinetic Energy; 1st draft of Ch.8: Potential Energy & Conservation of Energy), University Physics, OpenStaxCollege, 2016.
- Edw. S. Ginsberg, Special Relativity Algebra, The Physics Teacher, Vol. 58 No. 6, p. 373, September 2020.