Helenmary Hotz
School for the Environment
Director, School for the Environment, Academic Lab
McCormack Hall Floor 02
Areas of Expertise
Geographic Information Systems, Climate change impacts on saline lake dynamics, Tropical lakes
PhD, Environmental Sciences, UMass Boston
MS, Environmental Sciences, UMass Boston
BS, Earth & Geographic Sciences, UMass Boston
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Hotz, H.M. and Christian, A.D., 2015. Using GIS and Remote Sensing to Analyze Lake Level Rise of Étang Saumâtre, Haiti. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, 2(1), p.6.
- Hotz, H., 2010, June. Constructing a GIS geodatabase to assess and analyze the factors enabling proliferation of a noxious seaweed along the south-facing coast of Harwich, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Computing for Geospatial Research & Application (p. 57). ACM.
- Hotz, HelenMary. "Geographic Information Systems Facilitate Youth, Youth Workers and Community Stakeholder Efforts." (2012).
- Hotz, H. Developing nearshore bathymetry to analyze a noxious seaweed along the south-facing shore of Harwich, Cape Cod, MA. In, Bremen, J (Ed), Ocean Globe. ESRI Press, 217-236.
Additional Information
Helenmary Hotz provides support and facilitates student learning across of the instructional labs in the School for the Environment. Whether it's trouble shooting Arc GIS for a faculty remotely located in Rwanda or working alongside our aquatic ecology students as they sort their bugs, she is actively engaged with all of our students and faculty.