Isabel Gomez
Area of Expertise
Translation studies, translation theories, Latin American poetics, comparative literatures Mexican and Brazilian vanguards and contemporary literatures, transhistorical baroque
PhD, University of California, Los Angeles
MA, Spanish, University of California, Los Angeles, 2011
BA, University of Chicago
Professional Publications & Contributions
- “Translations of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Ideology and Interpretation.” The Routledge Research Companion to the Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Eds. Emilie Bergmann and Stacey Schlau. Routledge, 2017. 78-90.
- “Brazilian Transcreation and World Literature: Macunaíma Travels from São Paulo to Caracas.” Journal of World Literature: Special Issue on Translation Studies and World Literature. Eds. David Damrosch and Susan Bassnett. 1.3 (2016): 316-41.
- “To Be 130 Years Old! Updating the Language of University Culture and Race in Machado’s Short Stories. A Review of a New English Translation by John Chasteen.” Machado de Assis em Linha 7.13 (2014): 119-28.
- “Transcreation / Transcriação. Cannibal Translation.” Introduction and Transcreation of “a mulher vai” by Angélica Freitas. Jacket2: Commentaries. Ed. Kristin Dykstra. Philadelphia: Kelly Writers House. Oct 28, 2015.
- “Villancicos for Saint Peter Nolasco” and “The Allegorical Neptune,” selections; “Letter Written to Her Confessor, the Reverend Father Antonio Núñez de Miranda,” “Petition in Juridical Form,” “Document in the Convent Book,” and “Ballad 51: When Numina Most Divine.” By Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Norton Critical Edition: The Collected Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Ed. Anna More. New York: Norton, 2016. 130-59.
- “The Requirement.” By Juan López de Palacios Rubios. Norton Critical Edition: The Collected Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Ed. Anna More. New York: Norton, 2016. 171-4.
- “Approval of the Most Reverend Father Diego Calleja of the Society of Jesus.” By Diego Calleja. Norton Critical Edition: The Collected Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Ed. Anna More. New York: Norton, 2016. 184-96.
- “‘First Dream’ Performed: Diana Taylor Interviews Jesusa Rodríguez.” Ed. and transl. Norton Critical Edition: The Collected Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Ed. Anna More. New York: Norton, 2016. 304-10.
- "The Other Side" by Jorgelina Cerritos for supertitles. 2010 Casa de las Américas Prize for Theater. Bilingual Performance at UCLA, October 11, 2013. Director: Raúl Martín Ríos. Starring: Katrina Noble and Victor Piñales.
Additional Information
Isabel Gómez teaches in the Language, Culture, and Society and Translation Studies tracks and is working on a book project titled "Cannibal Translation Zones: Literary Reciprocity in Brazil and Mexico." She chaired a panel for ALTA 2016 (American Literary Translators Association) “Translation as Performance: Crossing Genres, Crossing Lives.” As an organizing member of the Translation Committee, she is planning a seminar at ACLA 2017 (American Comparative Literary Association) on “Translation Networks: Beyond Source and Target.” In spring 2017, her students in Intermediate Translation (Spanish 333) presented their final research papers on panels at the annual New England Translators Association (NETA) Conference. In addition to her scholarly writing, she translates from Spanish and Portuguese into English.