John Fulton
Areas of Expertise
Fiction Writing; The Short Story; the Novella
MFA, University of Michigan
Professional Publications & Contributions
- The Flounder and Other Stories, Charleston: Blackwater Press, May 2023.
- The Animal Girl: Two Novellas and Three Stories, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press (paperback original and eBook), 2007.
- More Than Enough, a novel, New York: Picador USA (eBook), 2015; London: Random House (eBook), 2012; London: Vintage (paperback), 2004; London: William Heinemann (hardback), 2003; New York: Picador USA (paperback original), 2002.
- Retribution and Other Stories, New York: Picador USA (eBook), 2015; New York: Picador USA (paperback), 2002; New York: Picador USA (hardback), 2001.
- “Cold Wars.” Epoch 65.2 (Spring 2016): 165-219.
- “Retribution” (online publication reprinted from Retribution). Hot Metal Bridge (Fall 2009): www.hotmetalbridge.org.
- “The Sleeping Woman.” The Journal 31.1 (Spring/ Summer 2007): 14-67.
- “The Animal Girl.” Alaska Quarterly Review 22.3 & 4 (Fall & Winter 2005): 111-168.
Short Stories:
- “Last Supper.” The Missouri Review 46.2 (Summer 2023): 66-91.
- “Budapest.” Ploughshares 48.3 (Fall 2022): 40-62.
- “Wedding Party.” Descant 61 (Fall/Winter 2022): 10-25.
- “The Flounder.” The Missouri Review 45.1 (Spring 2022): 122-142.
- “Saved.” The Sun 556 (April 2022): 40-47.
- “Nocturne.” Prime Number Magazine 223 (Spring 2022): https://www.press53.com/issue-223-short-fiction
- “Lovers.” Fiction 65 (Spring 2022): 139-156.
- “Stealing” (online publication reprinted from Retribution). Fractured Literary (February 2022): https://fracturedlit.com/stealing/.
- “The Boy and the Murderer.” The Laurel Review 53.2 (Spring 2021): 129-133.
- “Winter Drive.” The South Carolina Quarterly 53.2 (Spring 2021): 114-119.
- “Stitches.” Alaska Quarterly Review 34.3 & 4 (Winter & Spring 2018): 65-74.
- “Box of Watches.” The Missouri Review 40.4 (Winter 2018): 166-174.
- “Caretakers.” The World to Come. Ed. Patrick West and Om Prakash Dwivedi. New South Wells, Australia: Spineless Wonders (2014): 81-98.
- “What Kent Boyd Had.” The Missouri Review 36.4 (Winter 2013): 106-122.
- “The Soldier’s Wife.” Ontario Review 63 (Fall/Winter 2005-06): 96-113.
- “A Small Matter.” Other Voices 18.43 (Fall/Winter 2005): 8-20.
- “Hunters.” The Southern Review 40.4 (Fall 2004): 752-778; reprinted in Pushcart Prize XXX, The Best of the Small Presses. Ed. Bill Henderson. Wainscott, NY: Pushcart Press, 2006: 220-248; reprinted in Sequestrum Issue 32 (Summer 2022): https://www.sequestrum.org/fiction-hunters.
- “Real Grief.” The Greensboro Review 76 (Fall 2004): 4-14.
- First chapter of More Than Enough reprinted in Irreantum 5.3 (Fall 2003): 16-30.
- “First Sex.” Third Coast (Spring 2001): 82-86.
- “Instinct.” Other Voices 13.33 (Fall/Winter 2000): 19-25.
- “Visions.” Passages North 21.1 (Winter/Spring 2000): 90-98.
- “Outlaws.” New York Stories 1.5 (Winter 2000): 9-15; reprinted in The Sun 302 (February 2001): 14-19; reprinted online at The Sun (March 1, 2013).
- “Liars.” The American Literary Review 11.1 (Spring 2000): 57-74.
- “Rose.” The Southern Review 35.4 (Fall 1999): 756-759.
- “Braces.” Zoetrope 3.3 (Summer 1999): 26-31; reprinted in Spanish translation in Habra una vez: antologia de cuento joven norteamericano. Ed. Juan Fernando Merino. Bogota: Alfaguara, 2001. 129-154; will be reprinted in Spanish translation in Cuentos de adolescencia. Bogota: Panamericana Editorial LTDA, 2009. Film option sold to AZX, LLC (Francis Ford Coppola’s film production company), 1999.
- “Iceland.” The Florida Review 24.2 (Summer 1999): 32-35.
- “Clean Away.” Sonora Review 35 (Spring/Summer 1998): 55-63.
- “Me and Swarner Talking.” The Oxford American (March/April 1995): 98-101.
- “Dog.” The Quarterly 30 (Winter 1995): 74-75.
Additional Information
John Fulton is the author of four books of fiction: The Flounder and Other Stories, which was a Poets & Writers Page One New and Noteworthy Book selection, The Animal Girl, which was long listed for the Story Prize, Retribution, which won the Southern Review Fiction Prize, and the novel More Than Enough, a Barnes and Noble’s Discover Great New Writers selection. His short fiction has been awarded the Pushcart Prize, cited twice for distinction in The Best American Short Stories, and been published in Zoetrope, The Sun, Ploughshares, and The Missouri Review, among other venues. He is the current MFA Program Director.
Read samples of John Fulton's work: "Stealing", and an interview at Blackwaterpress.com.