Jonathan Celli
Area of Expertise
Cancer Biophysics, 3D Tumor Models, Photodynamic Therapy (PDT), Quantitative Imaging, Microrheology and Rheology of Biomaterials
PhD, Boston University
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Hempstead J, Jones DP, Ziouche A, Cramer G, Rizvi I, Arnason S, Hasan T, Celli JP. Low-cost photodynamic therapy devices for global health settings: Characterization of battery-powered LED performance and smartphone imaging in 3D tumor models. Scientific Reports (2015) 5:10093.
- Mallidi S, Mai Z, Rizvi I, Hempstead J, Arnason S, Celli JP, Hasan T. In vivo evaluation of battery-operated LED based photodynamic therapy efficacy using tumor volume and biomarker expression as endpoints. Journal of Biomedical Optics (2015) 20 (4), 048003-048003
- Li Y, Petrovic L, La J, Celli JP, Yelleswarapu CS. Digital holographic microscopy for longitudinal volumetric imaging of growth and treatment response in 3D tumor models. Journal of Biomedical Optics (2014) 19 (11), 116001.
- Jones DP, Hanna W, El-Hamidi H, Celli JP. Longitudinal quantification of local mechanical changes in 3D tumor models using particle-tracking microrheology. J. Vis. Exp. (88), e51302, doi:10.3791/51302 (2014).
- Celli JP, Rizvi I, Blanden AR, Massodi I, Glidden MD, Pogue BW, Hasan T. An imaging-based platform for high-content, quantitative evaluation of therapeutic response in 3D tumour models. Scientific Reports (2014);4:3751.
- Anibil S, Rizvi I, Celli JP, Alagic N, Pogue BW, Hasan T. Impact of treatment response metrics on photodynamic therapy planning and outcomes in a three-dimensional model of ovarian cancer. Journal of Biomedical Optics (2013) 18(9), 098004.
- Bansil R, Celli JP, Hardcastle JM, Turner BS. The influence of mucus microstructure and rheology in H. pylori infection. Frontiers in Immunology (2013); 4: 310, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2013.00310
- Rizvi I, Gurkan UA, Tasoglu S, Alagic N, Celli JP, Mensah LB, Mai Z, Demirci U, Hasan T. Flow Induces a Motile and Aggressive Phenotype in 3D Ovarian Cancer Nodules via Increased EMT, Activated EGFR and Decreased E-Cadherin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America (2013); 110 (22) E1974–E1983
- Rizvi I, Anbil SA, Alagic N, Celli JP, Zheng LZ, Palanisami A, Glidden MD, Pogue BW, Hasan T. PDT Dose Parameters Impact Tumoricidal Durability and Cell Death Pathways in a 3D Ovarian Cancer Model. Photochemistry and Photobiology (2013); 89(4) 942-952.
- Glidden MD, Celli JP, Massodi I, Hasan T. Image-based quantification of photosensitizer uptake, localization and photobleaching in a 3D tumor model for optimization of PDT parameters. Theranostics (2012) 2(9), 827-839
- Celli JP. Stromal interactions as regulators of tumor growth and therapeutic response: A potential target for photodynamic therapy? Israel Journal of Chemistry (2012) 52, 757-766
- Evans CL, Abu-Yousif AO, Park YJ, Klein OJ, Celli JP, Rizvi I, Zheng X, Hasan T. Killing Hypoxic Cell Populations in a 3D Tumor Model with EtNBS-PDT. PLoS One (2011); 6(8) e23434.
- Celli JP, Solban N, Liang A, Pereira SP, Hasan T. Verteporfin-based photodynamic therapy overcomes gemcitabine insensitivity in a panel of pancreatic cancer cell lines. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine (2011); 43 (7), 565–574.
- Xu F*, Celli JP*, Rizvi I, Moon S, Hasan T, Demirci U. A three-dimensional in vitro ovarian cancer coculture model using a high-throughput cell patterning platform. Biotechnology Journal (2011) Vol 6 doi: 10.1002/biot.201000340 *Equal Contribution
- Rizvi I, Celli JP, Evans CL, Abu-Yousif AO, Alona Muzikansky, Brian Pogue, Dianne Finkelstein, Hasan T. Carboplatin efficacy enhanced synergistically by Photodynamic Therapy in a 3D model of micrometastatic ovarian cancer. Cancer Research (2010) Vol 70(22), 9319-28. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-10-1783.
- Rahmanzadeh R, Rai P, Celli JP, Rizvi I, Baron-Luehr B, Gerdes J, Hasan T. Ki-67 as a molecular target for therapy in an in vitro 3D model for ovarian cancer. Cancer Research (2010). Vol 70(22), 9234-42. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-10-1190
- Celli JP, Rizvi I, Evans CL, Abu-Yousif AO, Hasan T. Quantitative imaging reveals heterogeneous growth dynamics and treatment-dependent residual tumor distributions in a 3D model for ovarian cancer. Journal of Biomedical Optics (2010), Vol 15(5), 051603. doi: 10.1117/1.3483903
- Celli JP, Spring BQ, Rizvi I, Evans CL, Samkoe KS, Verma S, Pogue BW, Hasan T. Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy: Mechanisms, Monitoring and Optimization. Chemical Reviews (2010); Vol. 110 (5), 2795–2838.
- Abu-Yousif AO, Rizvi I, Evans CL, Celli JP, Hasan T. PuraMatrix Encapsulation of Cancer Cells. Journal of Visualized Experiments (2009). 34. http://www.jove.com/index/details.stp?id=1692
- Zhong W*, Celli JP*, Rizvi I, Mai Z, Spring B, Yun SH, Hasan T. In vivo high resolution fluorescence microendoscopy for ovarian cancer detection and treatment monitoring. British Journal of Cancer (2009). Vol 101, 2015-2022.
- Celli JP, Turner BS, Afdhal NH, Keates S, Ghiran I, Kelly C, Ewoldt RH, McKinley GH, So P, Erramilli S, Bansil R. Helicobacter pylori moves through mucus by reducing mucin viscoelasticity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2009); Vol 106(34), 14321-14326. *Also featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Microbiology (2009); Volume 7, No. 10, 689.
- Celli JP, Turner BS, Afdhal NH, Ewoldt RH, McKinley GH, Bansil R, Erramilli S. Rheology of Gastric Mucin Exhibits a pH-Dependent Sol-Gel Transition. Biomacromolecules, (2007); 8(5), 1580-86.
- Celli JP, Gregor BF, Turner BS, Afdhal NH, Bansil R, Erramilli S. Viscoelastic Properties and Dynamics of Porcine Gastric Mucin, Biomacromolecules (2005); 6(3) 1329-33.
- Hicks RS, Decowski P, Arroyo C, Breuer M, Celli JP, Chudakov E, Kumar KS, Olson M, Peterson GA, Pope K, Ricci J, Savage J and Souder PA. Flux profile scanners for scattered high-energy electrons. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A (2005); 553(3), 470-482.
Additional Information
Current Funding:
“Mechanism-based therapies for pancreatic cancer informed by stromal microrheology” (NIH/NCI, R00 award)
“Low-cost enabling technology for image-guided photodynamic therapy of oral cancer” (NIH/NCI, UH2/UH3 funding)
Postdoctoral Research Associates:
Shakir Khan