Karen Johannesson
Area of Expertise
Environmental geochemistry, biogeochemistry, trace element speciation, geochemical modeling, chemical hydrogeology, reaction path and reactive transport modeling, OCE-1850768: Collaborative Research: How and why eNd tracks ocean circulation. Project Location: University of Massachusetts Boston. National Science Foundation, Chemical Oceanography Program and Marine Geology and Geophysics Program, EAR-1714030: Quantifying thioarsenate formation constants to advance understanding of arsenic biogeochemical cycling in anoxic waters. Project Location: University of Massachusetts Boston. National Science Foundation, Geobiology and Low-Temperature Geochemistry Program.
PhD, Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada
MS, Geology and Geophysics, Boston College
BS, Geology, University of New Hampshire
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Co-Editor in Chief Chemical Geology
- Associate Editor Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
- Haghnazar, H., Johannesson, K. H., González-Pinzón, R., Pourakbar, M., Aghayani, E., Rajabi, A., and Hashemi, A. A., 2022. Groundwater geochemistry, quality, and pollution of the largest lake basin in the Middle East: Comparison of PMF and PCA-MLR receptor models and application of the source-oriented HHRA approach. Chemosphere 288, 132489,
- Chevis, D. A., Mohajerin, T. J., Yang, N., Cable, J. E., Rasbury, E. T., Hemming, S., Burdige, D. J., Martin. J B., White, C. D., and Johannesson, K. H., 2021. Neodymium isotope geochemistry of a subterranean estuary. Frontiers in Water 3: 778344. doi:10.2289/frwa.2021.778344.
- Akintomide, O. A., Adebayo, S., Horn, J. D., Kelly, R. P., and Johannesson, K. H., 2021. Geochemistry of the redox-sensitive trace elements molybdenum, tungsten, and rhenium in the euxinic porewaters and bottom sediments of the Pettaquamscutt River estuary, Rhode Island. Chemical Geology 584, 120499,
- Costa, L., Johannesson, K. H., Mirlean, N., and Quintana, Q., 2021. Rare earth element distributions in salt marsh sediment cores reveal evidence of environmental lability during bioturbation and diagenetic processes. Chemical Geology 584, 120503,
- Cui, M., Adebayo, S., McPherson, G., and Johannesson, K. H., 2021. Comparison of effects between kaolinite and hydrogen peroxide on tungsten and molybdenum speciation and implications for their geochemistry in aquatic environments. Chemical Geology 582, 120418.
- Costa, L., Mirlean, N., and Johannesson, K. H., 2021. Rare earth elements as tracers of sediment contamination by fertilizer industries in Southern Brazil, Patos Lagoon Estuary. Applied Geochemistry 129, 104965
- Akintomide, O. A., Amer, R. M., Hanor, J. S., Datta, S., and Johannesson, K. H., 2021. Pleistocene sands of the Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer produce the highest groundwater arsenic concentrations in southern Louisiana, USA. Journal of Hydrology. 595, 125995.
- Glass, J. B., Cowen, E. T., and Johannesson, K. H., 2020. Lanthanide rarity in natural waters: Implications for microbial C1 metabolism. FEMS Microbiology Letters 367,
- Adebayo, S. B., Cui, M., Hong, T., Akintomide, O., Kelly, R. P., and Johannesson, K. H., 2020. Rare earth element cycling and reaction path modeling across the chemocline of the Pettaquamscutt River estuary, Rhode Island. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 284, 21-42.
- Cui, M., Mohajerin, T. J., Adebayo, S. B., Datta, S., and Johannesson, K. H., 2020. Investigation of tungstate thiolation reaction kinetics and sedimentary molybdenum/tungsten enrichments: Implications for tungsten speciation in sulfidic waters and possible applications for paleoredox studies. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 287, 277-295.
- Akintomide, O.A., Adebayo, S. A., Trahan, A. S., Chamberlain, E., and Johannesson, K. H., 2020. Investigating the potential impact of Louisiana coastal restoration on the trace element geochemistry of constructed marshlands. Soil Systems 4, 55: doi:10.3390/soilsystems4030055.
- Hobson, C., Kulkarni, H. V., Johannesson, K., Bednar, A., Tappero, R., Mohajerin, T. J., Sheppard, P. R., Witten, M. L., Hettiarrachchi, G., and Datta, S., 2020. Origin of tungsten and geochemical controls on its occurrence and mobilization in shallow sediments from Fallon, Nevada, USA. Chemosphere 260
- Costa, L., Mirlean, N., Quintanna, G., Adebayo, S., and Johannesson, K., 2020. Effects of bioirrigation and salinity on arsenic distributions in ferruginous concretions from salt marsh sediment cores (southern Brazil). Aquatic Geochemistry
- Vega, M., Kulkarni, H. V., Johannesson, K., Taylor, R. J., and Datta, S. (2020) Mobilization of co-occurring trace elements (CTEs) in arsenic contaminated aquifers in the Bengal Basin. Applied Geochemistry
- Mirlean, N., Calliari, L., and Johannesson, K., 2020. Dredging in an estuary causes contamination by fluid mud on a tourist beach. Evidence via REE ratios. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 111495.
- Quintana, G., Mirlean, N., Costa, L., and Johannesson, K., 2020. Mercury distributions in sediments of an estuary subject to anthropogenic hydrodynamic alterations (Patos Estuary, Southern Brazil). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192, 266.
- Pourret, O., Hursthouse, A., Irawan, D. E., Johannesson, K., Li, H., Poujol, M., Tartèse, R., van Hullebusch, E. D., and Eiche, O., 2020. Open access publishing practice in geochemistry: overview of current state and look to the future. Heliyon 6
- Schijf, J., Jeandel, C., Johannesson, K. H., and Osborne A. H., 2020. Editorial: REE marine geochemistry in the 21st century: A tribute to the pioneering research of Harry Elderfield (1943-2016) Frontiers in Marine Science 7: doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00114.
- Mirlean, N., Ferraz, A. H., Sues-Arrache, E. R., Ferreira de Andrade, C. F., Costa, L. P., and Johannesson, K. H. (2019) Mercury and selenium in the Brazilian subtropical marine products: food composition and safety. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 84. 103310,
- Johannesson, K. H., Yang, N., Trahan, A. S., Telfeyan, K., Mohajerin, T. J., Adebayo, S. B., Akintomide, O. A., Chevis, D. A., Datta, S., and White, C. D., 2019. Biogeochemical and reactive transport modeling of arsenic in groundwaters from the Mississippi River delta plain: An analog for the As-affected aquifers of South and Southeast Asia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 264, 245-272.
- Costa, L., Mirlean, N., Quintana, G., Adebayo, S., and Johannesson K., 2019. Distribution and geochemistry of arsenic in sediments of the world’s largest choked estuary: The Patos Lagoon, Brazil. Estuaries and Coasts.
- Adebayo, S. B., Cui, M., Hong, T., White, C. D., Martin, E. E., and Johannesson, K. H., 2018. Rare earth elements geochemistry and Nd isotopes in the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico mixing zone. Frontiers in Marine Sciences 5: 166. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00166. Telfeyan, K., Breaux, A., Kim, J., Kolker, A. S., Cable, J. E., and Johannesson, K. H., 2018. Cycling of oxyanion-forming trace elements in groundwaters from a freshwater deltaic marsh. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 204, 236-268.
- Vega, M. A., Kulkarni, H. V., Mladenov, N., Johannesson, K., Hettiarachchi, G. M., Bhattacharya, P., Kumar, N., Weeks, J., Galkaduwa, M., and Datta S., 2017. Biogeochemical controls on the release and accumulation of Mn and As in shallow aquifers, West Bengal, India. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 5:20. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2017.00029.
- Telfeyan, K., Breaux, A., Kim, J., Cable, J. E., Kolker, A. S., Grimm, D. A., and Johannesson, K. H., 2017. Arsenic, vanadium, iron, and manganese biogeochemistry in a deltaic wetland, southern Louisiana, USA. Marine Chemistry 192, 32-48.
- Marsac, R., Banik, N. L., Lützenkirchen, J., Catrouillet, C., Marquardt, C. M., and Johannesson, K. H., 2017. Modeling metal ion-humic substances complexation in highly saline conditions. Applied Geochemisry 79, 52-64.
- Blake, J. M., Peters, S. C., and Johannesson K., 2017. Application of REE geochemical signatures for Mesozoic sediment provenance to the Gettysburg Basin, Pennsylvania. Sedimentary Geology 349, 103-111
- Datta, S., Vero, S. E., Hettiarchchi, G. M., and Johannesson, K. H., 2017. Tungsten contamination of soils and sediments: Current state of science. Current Pollution Reports 3, 55-64.
- Cui, M. and Johannesson, K. H., 2017. Comparison of tungstate and tetrathiotungstate adsorption onto pyrite. Chemical Geology 464, 57-68.
- Johannesson, K. H., Palmore, C. D., Frackell, J., Prouty, N. G., Swarzenski, P. W., Chevis, D. A., Telfeyan, K., White, C. D., and Burdige, D. J., 2017. Rare earth element behavior during groundwater – seawater mixing along the Kona Coast of Hawaii. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 198, 229-258.
- Coleman, D. J., Kolker A. S., and Johannesson, K. H., 2017. Submarine groundwater discharge and alkaline earth element dynamics in a deltaic coastal setting. Hydrology Research. 48.5, 1169-1176.
- Kulkarni, H. V., Mladenov, N., Johannesson, K. H., and Datta, S., 2017. Contrasting dissolved organic matter quality in groundwater in Holocene and Pleistocene aquifers and implications for influencing arsenic mobility. Applied Geochemistry 77, 194-205.
- Prouty, N. G., Swarzenski, P. W., Frackell, J. K., Johannesson, K., and Palmore, D., 2017. Groundwater-derived nutrient and trace element transport to a nearshore Kona coral ecosystem: Experimental mixing model results. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 11, 166-177.
- Mohajerin, T. J., Helz, G. R., and Johannesson, K. H., 2016. Tungsten – molybdenum fractionation in estuarine environments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 177, 105-119.
- Yang, N., Shen, Z., Datta, S., and Johannesson, K. H., 2016. High arsenic (As) concentrations in shallow groundwaters of southern Louisiana: Evidence of microbial controls on As mobilization from sediments. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 5, 100-113. Chevis, D. A., Johannesson, K. H., Burdige, D. J., Cable, J. E., Martin, J. B., and Roy, M., 2015. Rare earth element cycling in a sandy subterranean estuary in Florida, USA. Marine Chemistry, 176, 34-50
- Telfeyan, K., Johannesson, K. H., Mohajerin, T. J., and Palmore, C. D., 2015. Vanadium geochemistry along groundwater flow paths in contrasting aquifers of the United States: Carrizo Sand (Texas) and Oasis Valley (Nevada) aquifers. Chemical Geology 410, 63-78.
- Yang, N., Welch, K. A., Mohajerin, T. J., Telfeyan, K., Chevis, D. A., Grimm, D. A., Lyons, W. B., White, C. D., and Johannesson, K. H., 2015. Comparison of arsenic and molybdenum geochemistry in meromictic lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Implications for oxyanion-forming trace element behavior in permanently stratified lakes. Chemical Geology, 404, 110-125.
- Chevis, D. A., Johannesson, K. H., Burdige, D. J., Moran, S. B., and Kelly, R. P., 2015. Submarine groundwater fluxes of rare earth elements to a tidally-mixed estuary in southern Rhode Island. Chemical Geology, 397, 128-142
- Mohajerin T. J., Helz G. R., White C. D., and Johannesson K. H., 2014. Tungsten speciation in sulfidic waters: Determination of thiotungstate formation constants and modeling their distribution in natural waters. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 144, 157-172.
- Yang, N., Winkel, L., and Johannesson, K. H., 2014. Predicting arsenic contamination in shallow groundwater of southern Louisiana, USA. Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 5660-5666.
Additional Information
Karen Johannesson is a professor of geochemistry in the School for the Environment at the University of Massachusetts Boston as well as in the Intercampus Marine Sciences Graduate Program of the University of Massachusetts System. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers, and another 11 peer-reviewed book chapters. She also edited a book “Rare Earth Elements in Groundwater Flow Systems” that was published by Springer in 2005. From 2007 to 2019 she was a professor of geochemistry and chemical hydrogeology at Tulane University in New Orleans where she was also the Cochran Family Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences from 2015 until 2019.
Since 2016 Professor Johannesson has served as an Editor-in-Chief of the journal Chemical Geology. She has also served as an associate editor for the journal Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta since 2005 and was an associate editor for the American Mineralogist from 2014 until 2017. Professor Johannesson is a fellow of the Geochemical Society, the European Association of Geochemistry, the International Association of GeoChemistry, and the Geological Society of America. In 2015 she was awarded the Clair C. Patterson Medal of the Geochemical Society in recognition of her “…innovative breakthrough of fundamental significance in environmental geochemistry” related to her research on the aqueous geochemistry of lanthanide series elements in the environment.
Her research focuses on the chemical speciation and biogeochemical cycling of trace elements in the environment. She has worked extensively in groundwater flow systems over the years, and more recently in estuarine and coastal marine systems. She is particularly interested in how microbial processes influence the mobilization and transport of trace elements in environmental systems. She studies these processes with her graduate students using innovative field studies, state-of-the-art analytical methods, and by constructing numerical models to simulate microbial respiration, chemical speciation, and transport of reactive solutes in environmental systems. Please see below Karen's Google Scholar page: