Kellee Barnard
Area of Expertise
Ancient History, Greek Archaeology, Aegean Prehistory, Ceramics
PhD, University of Pennsylvania (2001)
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Kellee Barnard and T.M. Brogan, Mochlos IB. Period III: Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast. The Artisans' Quarters and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri. Philadelphia, PA: INSTAP Academic Press (2003).
- Kellee Barnard and T.M. Brogan, "Kitchens in Neopalatial Mochlos," in K. Glowaki and N. Vogeikoff-Brogan (eds.), STEGA: The Archaeology of House and Households in Ancient Crete. Princeton, NJ: American School of Classical Studies in Athens (2011).
- Kellee Barnard and T.M. Brogan, "Pottery of the Later Neopalatial Periods at Mochlos," in E. Hallager and T.M. Brogan (eds.), Proceedings of the Danish Institute Workshop on LM IB Crete. Athens: Danish Institute in Athens (in press).
- Kellee Barnard, et al. Mochlos IVb. Period III: Neopalatial Settlement on the Island. The House of the Metal Merchant and Other Houses of Block C. Philadelphia, PA: INSTAP Academic Press (forthcoming).
- Kellee Barnard, "Mining for MMIII at Mochlos," in C. MacDonald, C. Knappett and E. Banou (eds.), Intermezzo: Intermediacy and Regeneration in Middle Minoan III Crete. Athens: British School of Archaeology in Athens (forthcoming).
Additional Information
Assistant Director, Greek-American Excavations at Mochlos, Crete.