UMass Boston

Kristin Uiterwyk Directory Photo

Kristin Uiterwyk

Urban Harbors Institute
Director of Urban Harbors Institute
McCormack Hall Floor 02 00624

Area of Expertise

Coastal Zone Management

Public Engagement



MA, Marine Affairs, University of Rhode Island

BA, Human Development, Boston College

Additional Information

As director of an applied research institute, Kristin Uiterwyk is responsible for the institute's interdisciplinary research and public service projects on ocean and coastal topics.

With more than two decades of experience at the Urban Harbors Institute, her work includes policy and regulatory analysis, harbor and natural resource management plan development, survey research, community engagement, GIS analysis, and outreach and education. She has worked on a variety of topics such as sustainable fisheries development, marine debris prevention, economic development in coastal communities, mooring siting and environmental impacts, dredging needs assessment, public access, local responses to climate change and sea level rise, water quality impairments related to stormwater, boating activity, and failing septic systems, and working waterfront planning.

Uiterwyk serves on the MassBays Management Committee and the Stone Living Lab Executive Committee, and chairs the National Working Waterfront Network.