Simone de Lemos
Director Spanish and Portuguese Language Programs
Simone Harmath-de Lemos teaches language and directs the Language Programs (Spanish and Portuguese) in the Latin American and Iberian Studies Department. She approaches language-learning as a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary effort in which language acquisition, linguistics, cognitive science, and cultural studies co-exist and inform one another. Simone sees the language-learning classroom as an opportunity for students to use the target languages to learn and reflect about the universe that surrounds us and the questions and issues we face in the 21st century from the perpectives of the Spanish-speaking and the Portuguese-speaking peoples.
Area of Expertise
General Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Language Pedagogy, Romance Languages and Linguistics, Phonology and Phonetics, Computational Linguistics, Indigenous languages of Brazil, Machine Learning and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Cognitive Science, Latin American Studies.
- M.A. Linguistics, Cornell University
- M.A. Linguistics, Florida International University
- Certificate in Translation and Interpretation, Florida International University
- B.S. Computer Engineering, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Harmath-de Lemos, S. (2021). Detecting word-level stress in continuous speech : A case study of Brazilian Portuguese. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 20(1), 3.DOI
- Harmath-de Lemos, Simone (2018). What Automatic Speech Recognition Can Tell Us About Stress and Stress Shift in Continuous Speech. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2018. Poznan, Poland. June 13-16, 2018. ISSN : 2333-2042. DOI :10.21437/SpeechProsody.
- Harmath-de Lemos, Simone. (2018). On headless relative clauses and double ser-que interrogatives in Brazilian Portuguese. In Anais do X Congresso da ABRALIN. Niterói, Brazil – Mar. 7-10, 2017.
- Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics #25 : The Cornell Meeting 2016. Wayles Browne, Miloje Despic, Naomi Enzinna, Simone Harmath-de Lemos, Robin Karlin, Draga Zec (Editors).
- An Untimely Look at Brazil Through the Lenses of Language. [Talk]. In Panel Untimely Glances at Brazil. BRASA (Brazilian Studies Association) 2022. March 10–12, Georgetown University [virtual].
- Vozes Silenciadas : O Caso das Línguas do Brasil. [Invited Workshop]. Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). November 6, 2020.
- The Polish Diaspora in Brasil. [Invited Lecture]. Seminar on Polish. September 17, 2020. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY.
- A unified Account for morphologically-governed stress systems in Romance. with Francesco Burroni. [Talk]. 50th Linguistic Symposium of Romance Languages (LSRL). (April 9-11, 2020) Virtual, July 1-9, 2020. Austin, Texas.
- How Language Preservation Shapes Cultural Sustainability : Tales and Thoughts from Fieldwork with the Bororo of Central Brazil. [Invited Talk]. International Studies Summer Institute Workshop for K-12 Educators 2019. Syracuse University. July 1,2 2019. Syracuse, NY.
- The Rise of a Lexical Accent System : Stress in Italian and Brazilian Portuguese Verbs and Derived Nouns. With Francesco Burroni. [Talk]. 93rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Jan 3-6, 2019. New York City, NY.
- On Multilingual Writers [Invited Talk]. The Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines at Cornell University. October 24, 2018.
- Critical Thinking in the Language-Learning Classroom. [Talk]. TA Development Workshop. Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University. Fall 2018.
- What Automatic Speech Recognition Can Tell Us About Stress and Stress Shift in Continuous Speech. [Poster]. Speech Prosody 9. Póznan, Poland. June 13-16, 2018.
- To Shift or Not to Shift : Investigating Stress Alternation in Brazilian Portuguese. [Talk]. The 21st Annual Ohio State University Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (OSUCHiLL). Columbus, OH. March 30-31, 2018.
- Theoretical Linguistics and Linguistic Tolerance in the Heterogeneous Language-Learning Classroom. [Talk] NEALLT 2018 - Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching Language and Culture. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. March 3-5, 2018.
- Detecting Locus of Stress in Brazilian Portuguese Using Spectral Information. [Poster]. The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Salt Lake City, UT. Jan 4-8, 2018.
- Pronunciation With Poetry and Literary Texts. [Talk]. TA Development Workshop. Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University. Fall 2017.
- I can tell you are stressed : modeling data from Brazilian Portuguese for lexical stress detection in ASR using KALDI. [Poster]. X Congresso da ABRALIN. Instituto de Letras da UFF. Campus do Gragoatá. Niterói, Brazil. March 7-10, 2017.
- On headless relative clauses and double ser-que interrogatives in Brazilian Portuguese. [Talk]. X Congresso da ABRALIN. Instituto de Letras da UFF, Campus do Gragoatá. Niterói, Brazil. March 7-10, 2017.
- The (headless) relative in the question : double ser-que interrogatives in Brazilian Portuguese. [Talk]. 5th Lusophone and Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Univeristy of Wiscounsin at Madison. Madison, WI. October 29, 2016.
- Acceptability and the Resumptive Pronoun Hierarchy Prediction : Data from Brazilian Portuguese. [Poster]. Workshop on Relative Clauses : Relatives in East Asia & Beyond Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. November 15, 2015.
- Pronunciation : Using Linguistic Knowledge as a Tool to Develop Teaching Strategies. [Talk]. TA Development Workshop. Dept. of Romance Studies, Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. August, 2015.
- Preposition Stranding in Heritage Speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. [Poster]. In Search of New Ways to Understand Language Variation, Change, and Acquisition. Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. June 25-26, 2012.
- Preposition Stranding in Heritage Speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. [Poster]. Romance Turn V. Lisbon, Portugal. July 2–4, 2012.
- PLE, POLH, Ensino de Língua por Tarefas e a Eficácia do Material Didático : uma Reflexão Baseada em Dados de Sala de Aula. [Talk]. Simpósio SIPLE 2012. Belo Horizonte, Brazil. October 4–5, 2012.
- Brazil and Language. [Talk]. 4th Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) Affiliated Faculty Colloquium.
- Immigration and Bilingualism. [Talk]. Miami, FL. February 15, 2012.
- A Brief History of Language in Brazil. [Talk]. 4th Annual K to 12 Language for Business Conference. Miami, FL. January14, 2012.