UMass Boston

CLA Advising

CLA Advising office provides professional advising services to declared Liberal Arts majors. We are available to all CLA declared students, to support and assist in degree and education planning. We encourage students to meet with their faculty advisors as well, for advice on major coursework and to benefit from mentoring in their specific fields.


We offer drop-ins around key academic deadlines. At other times, please use the appointment links below.

Drop-in Information

Find your advisor below and click on the appointment link.

Director of CLA Advising: Ana Frega

CLA students with an undecided major should see advisors in the Academic & Career Engagement and Success (ACES) Center, Campus Center, 1st Floor, Suite 1100 (617.287.5500).

Current and former members of the learning communities CLA First! and CLA SophoMORE should see advisors in their programs, Wheatley, 4th Floor, Room 125 (617.287.5721).

College of Liberal Arts Advising Mission Statement

CLA Advising teaches and empowers undergraduate students with majors in the College of Liberal Arts to become active participants in their education and engaged members of the University community, within the College of Liberal Arts and beyond. We work collaboratively with our advisees and with faculty advisors, providing information, support, and guidance, as we encourage students to make informed academic decisions, take advantage of the university’s educational opportunities, and assume ownership of their academic choices. Through the advisor/advisee partnership, students are able to identify and develop educational plans that are meaningful and relevant for their academic purposes, and to connect those plans to their individual life goals.


University Advising Center's Grade Point Average Calculator
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Course Wizard

Distribution and Diversity Course Search
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General Education Requirements

CLA General Education Requirements
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