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Meet the Dean of Faculty
The Dean of Faculty works on all matters related to faculty recruitment, hiring, personnel actions, professional and career development, retention, and mentoring. As the academic leader most directly involved in shaping and developing UMass Boston faculty, the Dean of Faculty has a significant impact on the academic life of the campus. As a senior member of the Provost’s leadership team, the Dean of Faculty actively collaborates with all academic units and leaders on campus to promote a culture of holistic support in which faculty members can thrive. The Dean of Faculty also oversees the Office for Faculty Development and works closely with key campus-wide committees, councils, and academic units at all levels to facilitate cross-college collaborations on academic and research initiatives.

Dean of Faculty Rajini Srikanth, PhD is Professor of English. She earned her PhD in English from the State University of New York at Buffalo and joined UMass Boston in 1998 after having previously taught at Tufts University. A renowned scholar, Dean Srikanth served as the founding Dean of the Honors College from 2013 to 2021. During her tenure as Dean, the Honors College doubled in size while enhancing not only the quality of learning experiences within the Honors College, but also strengthening its connections with and contributions to the entire campus. Dean Srikanth has served in numerous leadership roles on campus including Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs (2009-2013).
Her research interests and teaching span Human Rights and Literature; Multiethnic American Literature; Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literature; Literature in the Context of Comparative Race and Ethnicities; Pedagogy of Literature, and Literature and the Political Imagination. She has a particular interest in South Africa and in the activist and community organizing work occurring there for the realization of rights.
Dean Srikanth’s publications include the monographs The World Next Door: South Asian American Literature and the Idea of America (2004), an award-winning book, and Constructing the Enemy: Empathy/Antipathy in US Literature and Law (2012), and the co-edited volumes The Cambridge History of Asian American Literature (2016) and Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice (2018). Her articles appear in numerous journals, including Frame: Journal of Literary Studies, Pedagogy, Journal of Asian American Studies, The Comparatist, International Feminist Journal of Politics, MELUS, and South Asian Review.
Dean Srikanth has been co-PI on grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Ford Foundation, and the Massachusetts Department of Education.