UMass Boston

Three students study on campus outside under a tree.
Student Equity, Access & Success

Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society for First-Year Academic Success

Alpha Lambda Delta is a recognized, well-established national honor society for first-year students. If you are a first-year student or a transfer student with under 30 credits and have maintained a 3.5 or higher GPA (on a 4.0-point scale) during your first semester/first-year at UMass Boston, you will be invited to join this prestigious society.

2025 Alpha Lambda Delta Induction Class 
Congratulations to our newest members of Alpha Lambda Delta! Students in our 2025 induction class will be officially inducted on September 16. If you accepted your invitation to join ALD, please submit your one-time $60 dues by following the directions below:

  • Your one-time Alpha Lambda Delta dues can be processed electronically through this link:
    • Select the "UMB Alpha Lambda Delta NHS" option, under "Items"
  • Dues can also be paid via cash, check or money order (made payable to University of Massachusetts Boston) and be dropped off to Robin Valentine (please email to coordinate your dues payment)

2025-2026 Officer Elections
All active Alpha Lambda Delta members are eligible to vote in our 2025-2026 officer elections, which will be held in May 2025. Additional information will be sent via email to all active members. If you are interested in a leadership role with Alpha Lambda Delta and would like to run for an officer position. details about each role can be found in our Alpha Lambda Delta Officer Position Descriptions handout. 

2024-2025 Alpha Lambda Delta Student Officers:  

President:  Matheus Morais
Vice President:  Omar Shehadeh 
Secretary:  Benjamin Matthews
Treasurer:  Brenna Howes

2024-2025 Alpha Lambda Delta Junior and Senior Leadership:

ALD Senior Advisor: Ayden Pol (Past-President ‘23-‘24)
ALD Junior Advisor:  Kutenda Mvududu (Past-Vice-President, ‘23-’24)
ALD Junior Advisor:  Talita Firme (Past-Treasurer, ‘23-’24)
Service Committee Chair: Caroline Wong (Past-Secretary, ‘23-’24)

Alpha Lambda Delta Fast Facts

  • Founded in 1924 at the University of Illinois specifically to honor excellent academic achievement by students in their first year of study in higher education
  • Alpha Lambda Delta has a network of over 1 million members across the country and around the world
  • Encourages superior academic achievement and a continued high standard of learning
  • Helps students recognize and develop meaningful goals
  • Promotes community service and civic engagement projects
  • Encourages leadership training
  • Opportunities for students to apply for scholarships
  • New members receive a membership certificate and insignia pin
  • Membership in Alpha Lambda Delta is for life

For more information, consult the National Alpha Lambda Delta website.

Alpha Lambda Delta Scholarship Information