UMass Boston

CEHD Research Extravaganza

Greetings Colleagues, 

We are happy to invite you to the 2025 CEHD Research Extravaganza! The event will be Wednesday, April 30th, 4-8:00pm EST remote and in-person at the UMass Campus (Campus Center Ballrooms A &B). 

  • This celebration will feature research, projects, organizations, and partnerships with the college and community. 
  • Staff, faculty, and all students are welcome to participate by contributing posters, presentations, table displays, or interactive demonstrations of their own design.
  • Presenters and attendees may join in-person or remotely.
  • This is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain experience sharing and presenting their work.
  • All are welcome to attend this festive occasion with a DJ, music, and drinks.


Please see the attached flyer and slide for more information and share these with your colleagues and students. Those interested can sign up online or via the QR code on the flyer and slide by April 1.  

Research Extravaganza Flyer

Research Extravaganza Slide


For more information, please contact

We look forward to being together in April!


The CEHD Extravaganza Planning Commitee