UMass Boston

Faculty Council Standing Committees

Academic Year 2024-2025

Standing Committees Membership

Academic Affairs Committee

Steve Ackerman, Honors College (Chair)
Robert Kim, CM
Ling Shi, MCNHS
Jeffrey Stokes, MCNHS
Victoria Weston, CLA
Peter Lert, CSM
Karen Delaney and Sarah Bartlett, Co-Registrars, ex officio
Michael Johnson, representative from Restorative Justice Commission
Timothy Grace, Honors College, student representative

Academic Technology Committee

Lusa Lo, CEHD (Chair)
Suha Ballout, MCNHS
Kenneth Fletcher, CSM
Jonathan Kim, CM
Wenhua Shi, CLA
Qian Song, MCNHS/CLA
Brian White, CSM (on sabbatical Fall 2024)
Zong-Guo Xia, SFE (on sabbatical Fall 2024)
TBA, Student Representative
Travis Johnston, FSU Representative
Yueqing Chen, Healey Library (Head of Library Systems and Discovery Services), ex officio
Jeffrey A. Dusenberry, ITS (Director of Research Computing), ex officio
Apurva Mehta, ITS (Associate Chief Info Officer), ex officio
Andrew Perumal, Provost’s Office, ex officio

Budget and Long-Range Planning Committee

Alice Carter, CLA (Chair)
Michael Ahn, CLA (on sabbatical Fall 2024)
Nurul Aman, CLA (on sabbatical Fall 2024)
Libby Fay, CLA
Joel Fish, CSM
Laura Hayman, MCNHS
Sharon Lamb, CEHD
Laurie Milliken, MCNHS 
Zong-Guo Xia, SFE
Yijia (Eddie) Zhao, CM
Marlene Kim, CLA
Daniel Gascón, CLA
Michael Mahan, PSU Representative
Joseph B. Berger, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, ex officio
Mya Mangawang, Vice Provost, ex officio
Kathleen Kirleis, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, ex officio
Chris Giuliani, Associate Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, ex officio

Financial Aid, Admissions, and Records Committee

Richard Hung, SFE (Chair)
Mona Abo-Zena, CEHD
Serra Acar, CEHD
Cuf Ferguson, CLA
Werner Kunz, CM
Ana Christina Lindsay, MCNHS
John Drew, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, ex officio

Graduate Studies Committee

Andre Maharaj, CEHD (Chair)
Silvia Dorado Banacloche, CM
Laura Bozeman, CEHD
Phil Gona, MCNHS
John Fulton, CLA
Harry Konstantinidis, CLA
Heather MacIndoe, CLA (on sabbatical Fall 2024)
Brook Moyers, CSM
Patricia Paugh, CEHD
Steve Smith, Healey Library
James Soldner, CEHD
Michael Tlusty, SFE (on sabbatical AY 2023-2024)
Richard Hunter, CLA
Tracy Baynard, Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Education, ex officio

Library Committee

Sabreen Darwish, MCNHS (Chair)
Jaqueline Avila, MCNHS
Brenda D. Clausell-Rigsby, MCNHS
Tejaswini Dalvi, CEHD 
Tyler Hull, CM
Qingjiang Li, CSM
Neil Reilly, CSM
Karen Ross, CLA
Gretchen Umholtz, CLA
Apurva Mehta, Associate CIO, ex officio
Stephanie Walker, Dean of University Libraries, ex officio

Research Committee

Dan Remein, CLA (co-chair)
Sun Kim, MCNHS (co-chair)
Douglas Bolender, CLA
Dolly Daftary, CEHD
Dan Dowling, CSM
Jay Junghun Lee, CM
Jeffrey Stokes, MCNHS
Manu Thaklar, MCNHS
Jesse Farmer, SFE
Lusa Lo, CES Subcommittee Representative
Lorena Estrada Martinez, SFE

Community Engaged Scholarship (CES) Sub-Committee

Chair Vacant
Mona Abo-Zena, CEHD
Alessia Contu, CM
Michael Johnson, CLA
Sun Kim, MCNHS
Da Hei Ku, CEHD
Jackie Lageson, CLA
Lusa Lo, CEHD
Charles Wibiralske, CSM
Lisa Heelan-Fancher, MCNHS
Carol Chandler, CLA 
Daniel Gascón, CLA

Joint Athletics Committee*

Chair Vacant
Steve Ackerman, Honors College
Matt Brown, CLA
Vin Cannato, CLA 
Eugene Gallagher, SFE
Sangwan Kim, CM
Laurie Milliken, MCNHS 
Labib Rouhana, CSM
Eben Weitzman, CLA

*Under review by the Ad Hoc Bylaws Committee

Joint Discipline & Grievance Committee

Sarah Hamblin, CLA (Chair)
Laura Bozeman, CEHD
Jacqueline Fawcett, MCNHS
Steven Jackson, CSM (on sabbatical AY 2024-2025)
Maria John, CLA
Robert Kim, CM
David Patterson, CLA
Lisa Rivera, CLA
Chandra Yelleswarapu, CSM
Nelson Lande, CM

Student Members:*

Jennifer Morgan (PhD in Nursing)
Vincent Briselli (MS in Chemistry)
Sachin Gupta (PhD in Physics)
Martin Simmons (Undergraduate in Nursing)
Tavi Makwana (Graduate Student in Finance)
Evans F. Kyei (PhD in Nursing)
Timothy (Percy) Truong (Undergraduate in English)
Gabrriele Carvalho (Undergraduate in Exercise & Health Sciences)
MP Carver (MA in English)
Jamie Donenfeld (Graduate Student in Psychology)
Azure Parker (Graduate Student in CEHD)
Shawn De Veau, Associate Vice Chancellor/Dean of Students, ex officio

*Looking for additional undergraduate students


General Education Committee*

Neal Bruss, CLA (Chair)
Serra Acar, CEHD (Early Childhood Education and Care) 
Cassandra Alexopoulos, CLA (Communication) 
Hadi Banat, Director, CLA (English) Director, English as a Second Language Program 
Chris Barcelos, CLA (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies), Chair (2024), Diversity Subcommittee 
Lynne Benson, CLA (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)
Lauren Bowen, CLA (English), Director, Composition Program,  
Rachel Drew, MCNHS (Exercise and Health Science 
Karla Schallies, CSM (Biology) 
Lauren Sullivan, Coordinator, Intermediate Seminars, CLA (Anthropology) 
Elizabeth S. Sweet, CLA (Anthropology), Chair (2024), Quantitative Reasoning Subcommittee 
Yijia Eddie Zhao, CSM (Accounting and Finance) 
Tim Blackman, Director, Undergraduate Studies, ex officio 
Betsabe Gomez, Associate Director, Writing Proficiency, Undergraduate Studies, ex officio 
Lynnell Thomas, Associate Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence, Undergraduate Studies, ex officio

Distribution Subcommittee

Ting Chen, CM (Accounting and Finance), co-chair
Sheldon Kovitz CSM (Mathematics), co-chair
Lisa Rivera, CLA (Philosophy), co-chair
Neal Bruss, CLA (English)  
Leila Davis, CLA (Economics, Fall term only) 
Shuai Jin, CLA (Political Science) 
Nino Kebadze, CLA (Latin American and Iberian Studies) 
Barbara Worley CLA (Anthropology) 
Shaman Hatley, CLA (Asian Studies and Classics & Religious Studies)
Aimee D’Avignon, CEHD, Director, Office of Student Success, ex officio 

Diversity Subcommittee

Daniela Balenzátegui, CLA (Anthropology) 
Miguel Barba, CLA (Sociology) 
Chris Barcelos, CLA (Women’s Gender, and Sexuality Studies) 
Karen Grayson, CLA (English) Spring term 2025 
Azizah Jor’Dan, MCNHS (Exercise and Health Sciences) 
Aimee D’Avignon, CEHD, Director, Student Success Center, ex officio 
Abdelkrim Mouhib, CLA (Modern Languages, Literature and Cultures)

Quantitative Reasoning Subcommittee

Jie Chen, University Senior Statistician 
Chris Contreras, CLA (Sociology) 
Karen Crounse, CSM (Mathematics) 
Joao de Souza, CLA (Economics) 
Arthur Eisenkraft, CSM (Physics), CEHD, and Honors College  
Eric Grinberg, CSM (Mathematics) 
Albert Kao, CSM (Biology)
Daniel Lee, CM 
Georgia Mavrommati, SFE 
Reed Reynolds, CLA (Communication) 
Jeffrey Stokes, MCHS (Gerontology) 
Elizabeth S. Sweet, CLA (Anthropology) Chair (2024) 
Laurel Wainwright, CLA (Psychology) 

Seminars Assessment Subcommittee

Neal Bruss, CLA (English), Coordinator, First-Year Seminars, Convener 
Paul Dyson, CLA (English) 
Meredith Gunning, CLA (Philosophy) 
Virginia Karlis, CLA (English) 
Meesh McCarthy, Undergraduate Studies 
Michael Motia, CLA (Classics and Religious Studies) 
Lauren Sullivan, Coordinator, Intermediate Seminars, CLA (Anthropology) 

Writing Proficiency Subcommittee

Hadi Banat, CLA (English), Director of English as a Second Language, Academic Support Programs  
Lauren Bowen, Director, First-Year Composition, CLA (English) 
Neal Bruss, CLA Coordinator, First-Year Seminars (English) 
Deborah Budden CLA (English) 
Maria Carvajal Regidor, Director, University Writing Center 
John Hess, CLA (English) 
Lauren Sullivan, Coordinator, Intermediate Seminars, CLA, Anthropology 
Raul Ybarra, (English) CLA
Bryan Williams, Undergraduate Studies
Kathryn Archard, Director, Writing Programs, College of Management, ex officio 
Robin Babcock, Manager, Writing Center, Manning College of Nursing and Health Sciences, ex officio
Betsabe Gomez, Associate Director, Writing Proficiency, Undergraduate Studies, ex officio 
Tim Blackman, Director, Undergraduate Studies, ex officio


*Note: The Executive Committee still seeks nominees for additional vacant seats; additional confirmations are forthcoming.