UMass Boston


Pronto provides synchronous text chat and threaded discussion features, which allow faculty and students a higher level of engagement with course content. This communication tool can be used within the browser or via a mobile app. Pronto also easily integrates with Blackboard and extends the communication capabilities in the course.

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How to Use Pronto

Promote Engagement with Pronto

 Here are some tips for using Pronto:

  • Encourage students to post questions using the Pronto chat tool. Check the chat often to identify student questions and areas of interest or confusion.
  • If you find this difficult ask a student (or two) to take on special roles as “chat monitors” to keep track of questions or chats that you may miss while presenting.
  • Use chat to engage students in discussion. Pause often during a lecture to ask a question and invite students to answer or comment – have these planned into your lecture!
  • Visit the Active Learning pages for more tips on engaging students. 
