UMass Boston


UMass Boston provides faculty, students, and staff with WordPress access. WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) that allows you to build websites. WordPress is the leading CMS, powering nearly half of the internet. Every member of the UMass Boston community can create a WordPress website on the UMass Boston Sites Network.

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Access WordPress

To access WordPress go to and login using your UMass Boston email credentials. 

You can request a website for yourself, for your course, or department, by logging in to WordPress and using the WordPress Request a Site menu link.

Examples of WordPress Use

A WordPress site at UMass Boston can be used as a platform to share information and collaborate on projects. By default, websites are designed to display entries chronologically in a blog format, but they can also be set up like regular websites, with static pages, or they can be a combination of static and blog pages.

Here are some ways you can use WordPress:

  • For personal or professional reflection.
  • For supplemental course materials.
  • For an academic program or department website with multiple authors as contributors.
  • To showcase student projects in a course, similar to ePortfolios.


Need help getting started? You will find Getting Started guides and tutorials on and through our LinkedIn Learning subscription.