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UMBRCAC Now Part of IT Governance
The Research Computing Advisory Committee is now part of the IT governance structure and this content will be updated and shifted to new webpages as they become available.
Research Computing Advisory Committee
Committee Charge
The UMass Boston Research Computing Advisory Committee (UMBRCAC) in collaboration with the VP for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, provides vision, leadership, and advocacy in setting the direction for research computing for the entire university. The group provides technical direction and advocacy for research-related computational services, facilities, and education for the University. The UMBRCAC serves in an advisory role to the VP for Research and the VC for Information Technology/CIO on research computing matters. The scope of research computing includes not just high-performance computing, but all software, hardware, and human resources required to support research endeavors that are not normally relevant to other aspects of university administration.
The research computing/research technologies advisory committee is charged as follows:
- Review existing offerings and initiatives and recommend changes
- Identify significant gaps or areas requiring priority or extra attention
- Assist in the development of a strategic plan for Research Computing/Research Technologies at UMass Boston
- Make recommendations to create effective and sustainable research computing operations
- Advise on how Research Computing can best enable research faculty and staff to compete for external funding and resource allocations
- Advise on how Research Computing can best reduce time to results for researchers
- Advise on how Research Computing can best enable researchers to conduct leading edge research
- Advise on policies governing use of shared Research Computing resources
- Advocate for increased adoption of research computing within the sciences and social sciences
Committee members include Faculty and ITS Staff, with Faculty members selected by the Deans of the schools/colleges. Please reach out to an appropriate member with any questions, suggestions, concerns, etc, of interest to the RCAC.
Members include:
Jeff Dusenberry (IT Research Computing, Director)
Olga Goulko (CSM, Physics)
Daniel Haehn (CSM, Computer Science)
Apurva Mehta (ITS, Associate CIO)
John Steinberg (CLA, Anthropology)
Evan Stewart (CLA, Sociology)
Jeffrey Stokes (MGS, Gerontology)
Bala Sundaram (Vice Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies)
Stephanie Walker (University Libraries)
Eben Weitzman (MGS, Conflict Resolution)
Tong Wu (CM, Management Science and Information Systems)
Lingling Zhang (CNHS, Nursing)
IT Research Computing
Healey Library, Lower Level
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
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