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Research Compliance
UMass Boston’s research compliance activities rest on the joint efforts of investigators, support staff, study participants, and the community, as well as collaboration among departmental, collegiate, and central units.
The university’s goal is to provide information, support, and administrative systems necessary to ensure compliance with regulations and policies governing research in the most efficient and effective manner possible. The compliance program is designed to be proactive, transparent, and integrated to such an extent that potential issues are identified and mitigated without compromising the conduct of research.
Research Compliance contributes to a culture of research excellence at UMass Boston by ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local regulations related to research activities, creating and supporting an environment that promotes the ethical and responsible conduct of research, and developing training and educational resources that promote responsible conduct and integrity in research.
Because the University takes this obligation seriously, we have continued to provide various mechanisms within the University to assist and encourage employees and students to come forward in good faith with reports or concerns about suspected research compliance issues, without fear of reprisal or retaliation. This hotline accepts reports via the internet and assures anonymity during the report intake process when requested.
Click here to submit: Concerning Research Practices Reporting Form to the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
Research Misconduct Type | Description |
Animal Research | Unethical use of Animal Subjects in Research |
Conflict of Interest in Research | A situation in which a person or a family member has a financial interest or non-financial interest that may compromise, or provide the incentive to compromise, the behavior in the conduct of the person's (1) duties at the institution, (2) influence on decisions that the institution may take, or (3) influence over his or her associates outside the institution. |
Export Control | Violation of Federal Export Control Law. - transfers of controlled information, including technical data, to persons and entities outside the United States; - shipment of controlled physical items, such as scientific equipment, that require export licenses from the United States to a foreign country; - verbal, written, electronic, or visual disclosures of controlled scientific and technical information related to export controlled items to foreign nationals (“deemed exports”), even when it occurs within the United States; and - travel to certain sanctioned or embargoed countries for purposes of teaching or performing research. |
Human Subjects Research | Unethical use of Human Subjects in Research |
Intellectual Property Infringement, or Disclosure | Any unauthorized or inappropriate use, misappropriation, or disclosure of confidential information (in any form) or intellectual property belonging to the institution or any institution's customer, supplier, or business partner, including, without limitation, any intellectual property protected under any U.S. or other laws relating to copyrights, patents or trade secrets. |
Laboratory Safety | - Biosafety Issues - Mishandling of Chemicals or Radioactive Isotopes -Occupational Health & Safety Concerns - OSHA Violations |
Misuse of Federal Grants | Unallowable or questionable expenditures or cost transfers to government grants, contracts, or agreements. Any expenditures or cost transfers that may be in violation of OMB Circular A-21. |
Research Misconduct | Fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the research/scientific community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research. |
Security Violations – HIPAA, Data Security | Violation of protected health information privacy or security rules. (HIPAA, FERPA, COPPA, Data Breach) |
Controlled Substances Use in Research | Drugs or chemicals whose possession and use are regulated under the United States Controlled Substances Act(CSA). The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) administers the federal law. |